Tag Archive | Kindness

Kindness, A Choice Battle! 

It’s a beautiful Tuesday morning in my geographic base. The cloud hasn’t rested for a couple of days, releasing showers of rain and making me cling to my duvet all day long. 

I almost ran out of ideas on what to scribble up for today. Truthfully, I didn’t give it much of a thought. I figured I’ll just go through my archives, get a catch phrase and viola!. Little did I know I’d be handed a saucy gist on a platter. 

I’m not your regular kinda lady who detests Mondays. On the contrary, I look forward to it cuz it ushers me into streams of magnificence.  As I rounded up my run arounds yesterday, I bumped into a fellow heading the same direction as myself but unable to get through. Being that “change” is a scarce commodity in this part of the world and seeing the pregnant clouds, I opted to pay his fare. It was just a farthing after all. Unknown to me we boarded the same vehicle again to our final destination and just as i was about settling my debt, he asked from behind where I was headed and its cost and returned the favour. Not only did he offset my bill, he left the “change” with me still. All for one single act of kindness. To think that he paid five times what I assisted him with is humbling. 

We live in a world where we tend not to intermeddle the affairs of others for reason of having our own issues to handle. However, a little unsolicited kindness has a ripple effect to the populace. Just last week I took a decision to settle a score despite being the offended. The resultant joy and peace that overwhelmed me having done that cannot be described with words. Whenever you’re opportuned to sow a seed of kindness, do so without expecting a payback. I’m elated each time I help someone out with a thing or two. I don’t get treated that way most times and it hasn’t changed me from being nice when required. In the end, it’s a really small world. You may never know when those seeds will spring up a bountiful harvest. Be the difference!!

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